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Author Guidelines

The authors will follow the following instructions for submission.
1. All submissions will be made through the Journal website.
2. All authors must submit a conflict of interest (COI) and funding

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3. All authors must submit covering letter mentioning :
   a. Title
   b. Authors' name and affiliations
   c. Word count, excluding references
   d. Section of the journal for the draft
   e. Corresponding author contact numbers including email
   f. What new this paper will add to the existing knowledge

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F. Article-specific guidelines

1. Original article: PKLI-JHS will consider all research papers (quantitative, qualitative, retro or prospective, trials and educational research) as original research.
I. Maximum 3500 words allowed, with a maximum of four
II. figures/tables
III. All tables should be made in MS word or Excel
IV. Colours can be used in figures
V. All tables and figures should be placed at the end
VI. of the document
VII. At this stage videos are not supported in the draft
VIII. Sections:
   a. Structured Abstract with 300 words only
   b. Title
  c. Introduction
  d. Methodology
  e. Results
  f. Discussion
  g. Limitations and strengths
  h. References in Vancouver style and at the end of the document. References shall be used with either endnote or any other software, not manual.
  i. For reference { }

2. Systematic Reviews/ Meta-Analysis:
  i. Maximum word count 4000 words
  ii. PRISMA guidelines to follow. { 

iii. For narrative reviews, kindly follow "Sukhera J. Narrative Reviews: Flexible, Rigorous, and Practical. J Grad Med Educ. 2022 Aug;14(4):414-417. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-22-00480.1. PMID: 35991099; PMCID: PMC9380636." 

3. Short communication: PKLI-JHS will consider all audits as a short communication. However, this will be the discrete authority of the editorial board to consider any original article too under this discretion, based on the quality of the study. Nevertheless, it will not be published without the approval of the author.
  i. Word count limit is a maximum of 2500 words
  ii. Maximum three figures/tables
  iii. Sections will remain the same
  iv. Maximum 20 references

4. Case reports: PKLI-JHS will accept all case reports and series from clinical sciences.

  i. Maximum word count 2000
  ii. Total two figures/table allowed
  iii. Maximum 15 references
  { }

4. Opinion: PKLI-JHS will consider opinion submissions, that are not original research articles but written over a scientific query by the area experts.

  i. Maximum word count 2000
  ii. One table/Figure
  iii. Maximum 10 references

6. Letter to the editor: PKLI-JHS will accept the letter of editors, addressed to the editor. The LOE shall be either an original thought over a scientific or ethical issue or a comment on the previously published article.

  i. Maximum 1000 words
  ii. Not more than three references

7. Editorial:
  i. Maximum word count 2000
  ii. Maximum 05 references
  iii. PKLI-JHS prefers invited editorials.
G. Formatting requirements:
  a. Font: Times New Roman
  b. Size: 12
  c. Titles: Main title in 16 size and bold, all others in 14 size and
  d. Use Justify margins with double spacing and line numbers
  e. Margins: 2.54 cm on all four sides.

H. Acknowledgement: The author may mention in original articles and short communication
  I. In case of any query, contact us through the website Contact Us section.
We will respond within 48 working hours.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Original Articles

PKLI-JHS will consider all research papers (quantitative, qualitative, retro or prospective, trials and educational research) as original research.

A.. Maximum 3500 words allowed, with a maximum of four figures/tables

1. All tables should be made in MS word or Excel
2. Colours can be used in figures
3. All tables and figures should be placed at the end
of the document
4. At this stage videos are not supported in the draft

B. Sections:
1. Structured Abstract with 300 words only
2. Title
3. Introduction
4. Methodology
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Limitations and strengths

8. Conclusion

9. Implications 
10. References in Vancouver style and at the end of the document. References shall be used with either endnote, Mendeley or any other software, not manual



PKLI-JHS accepts systematic and Meta-analysis 

i. Maximum word count 4000 words
ii. PRISMA guidelines to follow

Short Communication

PKLI-JHS will consider all audits as a short communication. However, this will be the discrete authority of the editorial board to consider any original article too under this discretion, based on the quality of the study. Nevertheless, it will not be published without the approval of the author.

i. Word count limit is maximum 2500 words
ii. Maximum three figures/tables
iii. Sections will remain the same
iv. Maximum 20 references


PKLI-JHS will consider opinion submissions, that are not original research articles but written over a scientific query by the area experts.

i. Maximum word count 2000
ii. One table/Figure
iii. Maximum 10 references

Case Report

PKLI-JHS will accept all case reports and series from clinical sciences.

i. Maximum word count 2000
ii. Total two figures/table allowed
iii. Maximum 15 references

Letters to Editor

PKLI-JHS will accept letter of editors, addressed to the editor. The LOE shall be either an original thought over a scientific or ethical issue or a comment to the previously published article.   

i. Maximum 1000 words
ii. Not more than three references 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.